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Purple Bulb Flowers

Bulbs are plants that have a wide basal portion. There are two sizes of bulbs: small (about 1 inch) and large (2 inches or more). Several types of spring flowering bulbs yield a wide variety of purple flowers.
  1. Types

    • Purple flowering bulbs include the crocus, giant flowering onion (Allium giganteum) and Checkered Lily (Fritillaria meleagris). The crocus belongs to the Iridaceae family. The giant flowering onion is part of the Amaryllidaceae family. The checkered lily is in the Liliaceae family.


    • Crocus flowers grow to 6 inches in height and form cup-shaped flowers that close during the night. The flower blooms in shades of purple with deep green foliage with a singular silver stripe. The giant flowering onion is 3 to 4 feet tall and has bluish-grey leaves. The flowers form in clusters of purplish-pink. The checkered lily is a pendulous flower that comes in hues of purple with darker veins or spots covering the bud. The plant grows to heights of 9 to 15 inches.

    Blooming Times

    • The crocus blossoms during the spring in March. The giant flowering onion buds late spring until early summer. The checkered lily flowers during late April to early May.