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Will Rabbits Eat Flower Bulbs?

Rabbits are common garden pests throughout the United States. They reproduce quickly, leading to overpopulation of an area in a short time. They feed on a variety of plants, including flowers, shrubs and trees.
  1. Flowers

    • Rabbits feed on dozens of perennial, annual and bulb flowers. Types of bulbs commonly eaten by rabbits include crocus, iris, lilies and tulips.


    • Yards with fewer rabbit habitats experience fewer problems. Common areas for rabbits include overgrown, weedy areas, thickets and wood piles. Chicken mesh wrapped around an area to a height of 2 feet keeps rabbits from accessing planted bulbs. Commercially available repellents and traps also reduce rabbit damage.


    • Rabbits eat daffodil and hyacinth bulbs less commonly than other flower bulbs. Consider planting these in your garden to lessen rabbit feeding issues.