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How to Store Tulip Bulbs in Florida

Tulips are hardy bulbs that need a period of cold dormancy in order to grow and bloom again the following spring. Since they need at least 1,000 hours below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, Florida is not the ideal climate to grow tulips. If you were given tulips or picked up some potted tulips at the store, you can simulate cold dormancy, and your bulbs may grow back the next year. However, it may take two or three years of cold dormancy to yield blooms.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper bag or box
  • Plastic bag
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      Dig up your tulip bulbs in the late fall, if applicable. Otherwise, remove them from their pots.

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      Dust off the soil and discard any rotten bulbs. This is a good time to divide bulbs. Smaller bulbs growing on the sides of the parent bulbs can be pulled right off.

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      Place the bulbs in a paper bag or open box and set them in an area that is cool and dark to dry for a week or two. A garage or crawlspace may work for you.

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      Place the tulips in the crisper section of your refrigerator for 12 weeks before planting them back outside. If you have fruit in your fridge such as apples, place the bulbs in a sealed plastic bag to store them. Once a month, open the bag for one to two hours to circulate the air.