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How to Store Bulbs Until Planting

Plant flower bulbs as soon possible after you obtain them. However, if they're too tender for a winter climate, or you just can't get to planting them right away, store them until planting time. Otherwise, they may rot or not thrive after planting. Bulbs in general can all be stored the same way; however, some bulbs are not true bulbs and need slightly different storage conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Mesh bag or screen
  • Box
  • Peat moss or sawdust
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      Dig up tender bulbs in the fall after the foliage dies back. Use a pitch fork but do not harm the bulbs in the process.

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      Wash off the bulbs with water. Then place them in a mesh bag and hang up in a cool, well ventilated area (between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit). Layered in two layers on a screen mesh also works as long as they have good air flow. Let them dry for about two weeks.

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      Examine the bulbs to be sure they are dry; throw out any that are rotten.

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      Store for the winter or until planting in the same manner as you did for drying. If the bulbs are actually rhizomes, tubers or tuberous roots, place them in a box layered in moist peat moss or sawdust. Corms can be stored like true bulbs.

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      Check on the bulbs every few weeks for rot or to moisten the peat moss or sawdust, if applicable. Throw out any bulbs that have rotted.