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How to Plant Begonia Corms

Begonias produce a variety of colorful blooms set against deep-green foliage. Begonias are grown from a large bulb-like structure. These are called corms and require proper planting in order to make sure the begonia grows as it is supposed to. Planting corms upside down or in an unsuitable area may delay or prevent the plant's growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Hoe
  • Spade
  • Organic compost
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      Wait until the threat of frost has passed. Choose a garden area that is partly shady. The University of Minnesota Extension recommends picking an area that receives direct sunlight in early morning and late afternoon only. In addition, soil should drain well and the area should be such that the begonias, as they grow, are protected from strong wind gusts.

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      Use a garden hoe to break up the soil. Add an inch or 2 of composted organic matter to the area and work it into the top 4 to 5 inches of soil.

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      Dig holes, using a hand-held spade, 4 inches deep and wide enough to accommodate 1 corm per hole. Space the holes 10 to 12 inches apart. Although the begonia corms do not require this much space in between, as the begonia grows, the space will allow for better air circulation between plants.

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      Place corms in the holes with the pointed part of the corm facing up. Fill in the hole with soil.

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      Water the area immediately after planting, to a depth sufficient for reaching the corms. To test this, use a spoon to dig down near one of the corms to see if soil is moist 4 inches below the surface.