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Do Hyacinth Bulbs Need to Be Protected From Frost?

Hyacinths are hardy, spring-flowering perennials. These cold-weather flowers grow from bulbs. Hyacinth bulbs that are buried in the ground rarely need protection from frost. Bare bulbs, stored in open trays or bags for later planting, should be kept at about 45 to 50 degrees F in a frost-protected area.
  1. Frost Hardy

    • Hyacinth bulbs are planted about 8 inches deep. This depth protects them from frost. As the hyacinth is dormant in winter, it does not need extra frost protection as it has no green leaves or tender shoots that are injured by freezing temperatures.

    Home Forcing

    • Indoor hyacinth bulbs require cold treatment for blooming. The bulbs are often planted in containers and then buried outdoors so that the bulbs are exposed to cold weather. For proper forced blooming, they require at least 10 weeks of cold temperature from 35 to 50 degrees F. They do not need added protection as the containers protect them.

    Frost Heave

    • Hyacinth bulbs are damaged by frost-heave. In these conditions, the ground alternately freezes and thaws. This damages bulbs. Cover the bulbs with several inches of mulch to provide more constant temperature and prevent frost heave.