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Fall Perennial Bulbs

Fall is an appropriate time for planting perennial bulbs. Planting in autumn allows the perennial bulb time to establish a healthy root system without competition from top growth that wants to become flowers.
  1. Soil for Bulb Planting

    • Hyacinths grow from bulbs.

      Perennial bulbs should be planted into well-draining soil. Bulbs allowed to sit in water after planting may rot. Drainage can be improved in the soil by working in well-composted material, shredded leaves or peat moss before planting.

    Perennial Performance

    • Tulip bulbs for naturalizing.

      Perennial bulbs planted in autumn often bloom the following spring or summer. The second year after planting, perennial bulbs have more and often larger flowers. The third season of bloom offers optimum performance.

    Division of Bulbs

    • Daffodils bloom in early spring.

      Fall-planted perennial bulbs may be divided to maintain this performance. Growing perennial bulbs multiply underground. Crowded bulbs provide fewer blooms. Division provides more bulbs for the landscape.Smaller bulblets (offsets) may not bloom the following season after planting.