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When Do Amaryllis Flower in California?

Amaryllis belladonna is a flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae. It should not be confused with its relative, Hippeastrum, which is often called "amaryllis" and is sold by the millions around the December holidays. In California, Amaryllis belladonna generally blooms in the fall.
  1. Peculiarities

    • Amaryllis belladonna, also known as the belladonna lily, thrives in warm winter climates like California, where it can be grown outside. The leaves, which are long and strap-like, do not develop until after the flowers have died. Flower stalks do not emerge until long after leaves have died back.


    • When flowers appear in the fall, they are trumpet-shaped and fragrant in shades of pink, white or red. Each flower is about 4 inches long, with numerous blossoms appearing on each 18-inch-tall flowering stem.


    • Amaryllis belladonna should not be confused with the unrelated Atropa belladonna, which sometimes goes by the common name "belladonna." Atropa belladonna is a member of the nightshade family, with much smaller flowers and shiny black berries. Parts of Atropa belladonna are poisonous.