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Can Amaryllis Grow in Rocks?

Amaryllis plants are tender bulbs that produce large white, pink, red, rose and bi-color blossoms on top of a tall flower stalk. These flowering bulbs are widely used for forcing indoors during the winter. In nature, amaryllis grows in a variety of habitats including areas where there is no soil around the bulb's roots, and can be grown in rocks.
  1. Time Frame

    • Amaryllis bulbs are commonly planted in October in glass containers when forcing for winter flowers. Fill a glass container, which is only 1 to 2 inches larger than the bulb, half-full with small rocks or pebbles. The container needs to be tall enough to support the growth of the large above-ground portion of the amaryllis.


    • Set the base of the large bulb on top of the rocks. Place a few rocks around the sides of the bulb to hold it in place. Do not bury the amaryllis bulb in the rocks.


    • Do not cover the bulb with water because it will rot the bulb. Pour only enough water into the container to cover the rocks below the bulb. This way only the roots will be in the water. Keep the water level constant as it evaporates and the amaryllis grows and blossoms.