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What Is the Proper Planting Depth for Various Flower Bulbs?

Bulbs, underground stems and storage organs, are a means of propagation for certain plants, such as tulips. Experts generally divide bulbs into two categories: spring flowering and summer flowering. All bulbs require certain conditions to flourish. One of these is placing the bulb at the proper depth in the soil at the time of planting.
  1. Rule

    • The general rule of thumb among the experts is to plant your bulbs at a depth of 2.5 to 3 times the diameter of the bulb. So for a daffodil bulb 2 inches in diameter you would dig a 6-inch hole. Make sure to measure the diameter at the widest point.


    • The actual depth may vary with the type of soil. The University of Minnesota extension advises planting bulbs 1-2 inches deeper than normal in sandy soil and an inch or two shallower in heavy clay soil.


    • Regarless of the depth at which you plant your bulbs, make sure you position them with the pointed end up. You should press the base of the bulb firmly into the ground.