Home Garden

Can You Save Parrot Tulip Bulbs for Next Season?

With ruffled petals and bright colors, parrot tulips are eye-catchers in the garden and in pots. These bulbs can be saved from year to year with a little effort.
  1. Tulips in Flower Beds

    • Fertilize parrot tulips with a balanced fertilizer in spring when new foliage emerges. Remove the flower stem after the bloom fades to make the bulb put its energy into strengthening the bulb. You must allow foliage to die back naturally; don't braid it or cut it before it matures. Fertilize the bulbs again in autumn.

    Digging Bulbs

    • It's best to leave tulip bulbs undisturbed as long as they're flowering well. If you must move them, dig them up only after the foliage has died. Store the bulbs in a dry, well-ventilated area until fall planting time.

    Potted Tulips

    • Forced parrot tulips are a common sight in winter and early spring. Keep the bulbs growing by putting them in bright light. Keep the soil moist, and feed with a houseplant fertilizer. Plant bulbs outside after the last frost, and allow foliage to die naturally. It can take two or three years until they bloom again.