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Is It Too Early to Plant Bulbs in September in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania enjoys warm weather into September, enough to keep soil temperatures a bit warm for planting bulbs like daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and crocuses. Precise timing of bulb planting is, however, species-specific as some fall-blooming bulbs need to be planted immediately once obtained.
  1. Time Frame

    • Plant snowdrops in fall for blooming in early March.

      In the higher, cooler elevations of Central Pennsylvania, bulbs may be planted after the middle of September up until Halloween. In Western Pennsylvania, hold off planting until Oct. 1, and in the Delaware Valley close to Philadelphia, wait until after Oct. 15.


    • Colchicum bulbs bloom in middle to late September.

      Spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips are planted in fall. Garden centers and mail-order bulb companies also sell fall-flowering bulbs like colchicum and autumn crocus. These species are planted in September -- as soon as possible so they root and produce their flowers later in fall.

    Expert Insight

    • October is better for planting bulbs in Pennsylvania.

      Contact your office of the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service for regionally specific recommendations for bulbs and planting schedules in your part of the Keystone State. Overall, October is better than September for planting bulbs.