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How to Grow Caladiums in Containers

Caladiums (Caladium spp) are tuberous plants native to Brazil's Amazon region and to Peru. They are widely grown as ornamental foliage plants. Caladium's large, heart- or strap-shaped leaves have green, chartreuse, pink, red or white backgrounds with decorative markings in the same colors. Heart-leaved caladiums grow from 1 to 2 1/2 feet high. Strap-shaped varieties seldom exceed 1 foot. Both bring color and form to partially shady parts of a landscape. Plant -- and leave -- caladiums in the ground where temperatures remain above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Elsewhere, they make striking container plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Container with drainage holes
  • Well-drained potting mix
  • Bone meal
  • Sharp knife (optional)
  • Spade
  • Watering can or hose
  • Soluble fertilizer
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      Select a container large enough for the mature size of your caladium. Planting several small bulbs in a large container -- or one large bulb in a small container -- is most effective. Alternatively, cut a single, large bulb into three to five pieces, each with its own eye. Plant them in the large container.

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      Fill the container with a well-drained commercial potting mix. Caladium tubers in poorly drained soil are susceptible to rot. Amend the soil with a handful of bone meal.

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      Dig a 2-inch deep hole with the spade for each of your caladium tubers. Place each eyes up in its hole. Space the tubers from seven to 10 inches apart, depending on the width of the mature plants.

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      Water the newly planted tubers with the watering can or hose until the soil is soaked. Check the soil regularly and water whenever when it feels dry. Never allow the caladium's leaves to wilt.

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      Place your caladium container where it will receive filtered sunlight to partial shade. Full shade is acceptable in exceptionally hot climates. Shade, however, diminishes the foliage's color. Caladium's large leaves benefit from wind protection.

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      Give your caladium a biweekly to monthly application of soluble fertilizer.