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When to Lift Flower Bulbs in Georgia?

Some fall and summer flowering bulbs are too tender to leave in the soil over the winter in the frost prone areas of Georgia. Once out of the ground, they can be safely stored until it is time to plant in the next season.
  1. Timing

    • Southern Georgia gardeners can leave their bulbs in the soil over the winter. Those in middle to northern Georgia, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness zone 7 areas, should lift flower bulbs in November, after a frost has killed the foliage.


    • Once the foliage is dead, cut it back to 12 inches. Use a small gardening fork to dig around the bulb and pry it from the soil.


    • The bulbs need to be dry before being placed in storage. Place them outdoors in a dry area until the remaining foliage is completely withered. Store the bulbs in boxes of peat moss or sawdust, making sure they don't touch one another.