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How Far Apart Must Begonia Bulbs Be?

Begonias add color and life to shady parts of the garden. They require well-drained soil and protection from hot sun and high winds. Begonia bulbs should sprout within three weeks of planting.
  1. Preparation

    • Start your begonia bulbs indoors, in pots filled with moist peat moss. Just place the tuber on top of the peat moss with the indentation pointed up, and don't cover them. Keep the peat moss moist and the pots in an area that receives indirect sun and remains 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The bulbs can be planted outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.


    • Choose a location where the begonias have some shade during the day. Dappled shade is ideal, at least for the majority of the day. If you live in an area with hot summers, it is a must to provide afternoon shade for the begonias.

    Planting Outdoors

    • Plant the sprouted begonia bulbs 8 to 12 inches apart, depending upon the effect you are trying to create. Water the bed until the soil is saturated.