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Do I Have to Dry My Canna Plants for Winter?

Although the canna is a hardy plant, the rhizome will not survive a hard freeze. Gardeners who live in milder winter climates can leave the canna in the soil and cover the planting area with mulch for protection. In colder climates, the gardener needs to go a bit further to protect the canna rhizome.
  1. Problem

    • Gardeners that live in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones below 8 should remove the canna rhizome from the soil before the first hard freeze. The rhizome will freeze and rot if left in the soil.


    • Dig up the rhizome in the fall. Allow the rhizomes and roots to dry on the soil for three to four hours.


    • It is important to not let the canna rhizomes freeze over the winter; store them in an area that remains below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. An unheated garage, connected to the home is an ideal storage area.