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How to Plant a Single Flowering Freesia

Freesia originated in South Africa and can grow up to 18 inches tall. They prefer to grow in an area that has bright light. Grow single flower freesia outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. For colder areas in zones under 9, grow single flower freesia in pots indoors. The flowers are very fragrant and they are often cut and sold in floral arrangements or cut by home gardeners.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden fork or tiller
  • Compost
  • Water
  • Soluble bulb fertilizer
  • Pots
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  1. In the Garden

    • 1

      Dig up the top 6 inches of soil with a garden fork or a tiller where the freesia will be planted. The area chosen should have full sun exposure.

    • 2

      Amend the soil with 3 to 4 inches of compost. Remove any sticks, rocks or other debris in the soil.

    • 3

      Inspect the freesia bulbs to know which end is the top and bottom. The root end of the bulb will be flat on the end, while the top of the bulb is pointed.

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      Dig a hole that is 1-and-1/2 to 2 inches deep with a trowel. Place one freesia bulb with the root section pointed down into the ground.

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      Cover the hole with the soil and then firm the soil in place. Space each freesia bulb 3 inches apart.

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      Water the freesia bulb garden thoroughly until the ground is moist, but not until the water sits upon the ground. It usually takes three to five minutes of watering. The roots and sprouts form in the autumn, and they continue to grow through the winter. Freesia will bloom in the spring.

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      Fertilize the freesia with a soluble bulb fertilizer after the plant is done blooming according to manufacturer's directions.

    In Pots

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      Fill containers with well-drained potting soil. The size of the pot indicates how many freesia bulbs can go in. A 12- to 15-inch pot holds 15 to 20 freesia bulbs. A 10-inch pot holds 12 to 14 freesia bulbs, and an 8-inch pot holds nine bulbs.

    • 9

      Dig a hole into the soil with a pencil or your fingers. Plant the freesia bulbs with the pointed end facing toward the top. Bury the bulbs 2 inches deep and 1 inch apart.

    • 10

      Water the pot thoroughly until water comes out of the bottom drainage holes. Place the containers in a sunny window. As the freesia grows, use support rings or stakes to keep them upright.

    • 11

      Fertilize the freesia with a soluble bulb fertilizer after the plant is done blooming according to manufacturer's directions.