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How to Care for Alocasia Plumbea Nigra

Alocasia plumbea nigra grows 4 to 6 feet tall and produces large, flat palm-shaped leaves 18 to 24 inches long. With massive black leaves and fleshy stalks, this tropical makes a bold statement in the garden. Though the leaves and stalks look black from a distance, close inspection reveals that they are deep purple-green. A frost-sensitive plant, Alocasia plumbea nigra grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8b through 11.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Garden fork
  • Fertilizer
  • Knife
  • Mulch
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      Plant Alocasia plumbea nigra in damp soil in full sun or part shade. Plants in this genus grow particularly well in wet, boggy areas but also grow in average loamy soil.

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      Dig the planting hole as deep as the root system when planting a specimen with foliage. When planting the tuber before foliage growth starts, make the hole 1 inch deeper than the height of the root.

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      Place the tuber or plant into the planting hole. Position plants with actively growing foliage so that the bases of the stems are level with the soil line. Plant tubers so that they are covered with 1 inch of soil. Position tubers so that the roots are facing down and any green shoots are facing up.

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      Backfill the planting hole and press soil around the tuber. Fill in any air holes to prevent the root from oxidizing and rotting under the soil. Pat the earth down with the flat of your hands to firm up the Alocasia plumbea nigra in the planting hole.

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      Keep the soil consistently damp with frequent watering. Feel the top inch of soil and when it dries out, soak the area until it is damp at least 6 inches deep. Alocasia plumbea nigra planted in wet and boggy areas do not require additional water.

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      Fertilize every two to three weeks using a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength on the package label and apply as directed. Discontinue fertilizing Alocasia plumbea nigra in the fall to allow the roots to go dormant for the winter.

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      Remove dead foliage at the soil line throughout the year. Use a sharp knife to slice through the fleshy stalk, being careful not to damage stalks growing nearby.

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      Overwinter Alocasia plumbea nigra in the ground in zones 8b and cool areas of zone 9 where occasional winter frosts may kill the fleshy leaves. Cut all the foliage down at the soil line and cover the area with a 4-inch layer of mulch to insulate the tubers during the winter.