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When to Water an Amaryllis

Amaryllis bulbs require differing amounts of water at various stages of their development. In general, with an established plant, when the surface of the soil is dry it is time to water. Once per week is usually sufficient. Other factors dictating an amaryllis' water requirements beside the stage of plant growth are the size of the pot it is in and the type of soil media it is planted in.
  1. Watering at Time of Planting

    • Water an amaryllis bulb at the time of planting, but then do not water until growth appears.

      When potting an amaryllis bulb, it is important to water it thoroughly. After this initial watering, withhold any water until the first growth appears. Make sure that the pot size chosen is only slightly larger than the amaryllis bulb because too much soil volume will hold moisture and potentially cause bulb or root rot. Choose a potting media that drains well also, such as a soilless mix containing perlite. Empty any excess water that drains through the bottom so it is not reabsorbed into the soil.

    Watering Before Bloom

    • Make sure that the pot for your amaryllis has adequate drainage so that any excess moisture can escape and not cause bulb rot.

      When the first growth of your amaryllis appears, resume a regular watering regimen. The soil should be kept slightly moist, but not too wet. Continue to remove any excess water that drains out through the holes in the bottom of the pot. To aid in even growth of your amaryllis, give it a quarter turn every few days so it does not favor one particular side as it grows towards the light.

    Watering During Bloom

    • During the bloom period of an amryllis is when the plant requires the most water.

      While the amaryllis is in full bloom, water more frequently. At this stage in the plant's cycle, do not allow it to dry out. Flowering consumes a plant's energy and like during physical exertion in humans, it needs to stay well hydrated.

    Watering After Bloom

    • Keep an amaryllis healthy and you will get to see it bloom year after year.

      In the period immediately following the bloom, reduce the amount of water given to the amaryllis. Resume watering a once per week or when the surface is dry until sometime in late summer. To encourage re-bloom, cease all watering for an 8- to 10-week period. Resume normal watering in November to encourage re-blooming of your amaryllis. With occasional re-potting, and following a watering schedule based on the amaryllis' cycle, you can enjoy and amaryllis for years to come.