Home Garden

Care for a Potted Harmony Iris

"Harmony" is a dwarf iris (Iris reticulata). It grows deep blue flowers with yellow centers, making it a favorite among many gardeners. It is an early bloomer, adorning landscapes in the early spring, and among all the dwarf irises, Harmony is the most suited for containers and forcing indoors, according to Cornell University. Unfortunately, indoors, it is difficult to mimic the natural environment a Harmony iris needs to complete its growing cycle. Therefore, if you keep your potted Harmony indoors, it may only bloom once.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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      Plant Harmony iris in a wide, shallow container. Fill it with 2 inches of potting soil and place the bulbs on top, about 1 inch apart. Fill the container with more potting soil, just enough to cover the bulbs. Water lightly until the soil is slightly moist.

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      Place the container in full sunlight, preferably outdoors. Indoors, a south-facing window is often the sunniest location in the home.

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      Keep the soil slightly moist and, after it blooms, fertilize it with a water-soluble fertilizer labeled for flowers, which is usually higher in phosphorus as indicated in the middle number of the N-P-K ratio. Use the label's recommended rates.

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      Prune off foliage as it dies back. Once dormant, move the plant to a cooler location of the home, such as the garage or outdoors on a porch. It does not need chilling like other bulbs.

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      Bring your indoor potted Harmony back into the house in the spring and water it lightly. Keep it in a bright area, out of direct light. When new growth appears, move the iris back to a sunny area; however, it may not bloom again.