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Do Hyacinths Rebloom?

The fragrant hyacinth plants bloom in the spring garden along with tulips and daffodils. Plants grow flower spikes about 3 feet tall from a bulb. At the end of the spike is a colorful cluster of flowers in yellows, blues, whites or pinks. These plants will bloom year after year with proper planting and care, but the flower size may be smaller.
  1. Blooming

    • Hyacinth plants will bloom as a perennial, but some people grow the plants as an annual because the size of the flower is smaller in the following years after the first blooming season. If the plant bulb is left in the ground, it will bloom the following spring as long as the plant has the proper care.

    When to Plant

    • Plant bulbs in the fall at least six weeks before a hard frost. The soil temperatures must be below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In the South, the planting time is usually October or November, and in the North, the planting time is September or October. Plants in full sunlight will have brighter flower colors, but plants in partial shade will keep their flowers longer.

    How to Plant

    • Prepare the soil with a tiller 12 to 15 inches deep. Amend the soil with 2 to 4 inches of compost so the soil is rich in nutrients. After the soil is amended, the bulb is planted in a hole 6 to 8 inches deep with the pointed end of the hyacinth bulb facing upward. Bulbs are spaced four to six inches apart from each other so that the plants have room to grow with plenty of air circulation.


    • After planting the hyacinth bulbs, water the ground thoroughly. Keep the ground moist during the fall season. If the area has little to no rain, you will need to water the ground manually to keep the bulbs moist. After the first frost, stop watering the ground around the bulbs. In spring, the hyacinth spikes will appear. The spring rains will provide enough moisture for the plant.

    After the Bloom

    • After the spring bloom, cut the flower stalk back, but don't remove the leaves. Leave the leaves on the plant to die back gradually. After the flower stalk is removed, add a layer of compost to the soil to renew the nutrients in the soil. Most hyacinth varieties only bloom once a year. However, the grape hyacinth will start growing again about the middle of fall and will continue growing into winter in Southern regions where seasonal temperatures are warmer.