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Can Calla Lilies Be Grown in Pots on a Deck?

Calla lilies are perennials favored for their showy funnel flowers rising from arrow-shaped leaves. Though they resemble lily plants, calla lilies (Zantedeschia) are not true lilies. Native to South Africa, these bulb plants thrive in moist conditions and enjoy outdoor weather. Commonly grown as potted or container plants, callas are at home on decks or patios.
  1. Features

    • Calla lilies grow from rhizomes. Their dark green or spotted foliage unfolds as long, tapering leaves. The tall flower stem rises from the foliage and blooms in shades including white, yellow, orange, pink and maroon. Sizes range from dwarf callas under 1 foot tall to large calla plants up to 4 feet tall. Calla lilies bloom July to October and do not tolerate cold weather.


    • Calla lilies grow in containers by size. Dwarf calla lilies grow in 6-inch pots, medium callas in 1-gallon pots and large callas in 3-gallon pots. Scatter several inches of potting soil in the bottom of the pot, spread the rhizome and roots on the soil, then add more potting soil around the rhizome. Lightly firm the soil, topping off the rhizome with about an inch of potting soil. Use one rhizome in the small pot, two if desired in the gallon pot and up to three in the 3-gallon container. Calla lilies prefer moist, well-drained soil. Put the container in full to filtered sun as callas bloom best with at least five hours of sunlight daily.


    • Buy calla lilies in grower pots for instant deck ornamentals. Look for calla lilies in pots at least 6 inches in diameter so they will last for a growing season. Put the potted calla lily in a terra cotta or ceramic pot, making sure that the outside container has drainage holes. If the decorative pot has no holes, be sure that the potted plant does not stand in water. Use peat moss or other material to fill gaps between the inner and outer pots. Check the plant frequently so that it does not dry out completely. Or plant calla lilies directly into any well-drained container. Bigger containers typically do not dry out as quickly as small ones. Put the container on a wheeled stand for easy moving.


    • Calla lilies do not tolerate cold weather. In autumn after foliage dies back, dig up the rhizomes, dry them, and store in a cool, dry place at 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Or move the pot indoors for overwintering and do not water until weather warms and you are ready to start the plant growing. Calla lilies grow indoors but require a sunny window for winter exposure.