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How to Make Crocuses Bloom in May

Often considered bulbs, crocuses are actually corms that are native to Asia and Europe. Unless you live in a cold climate in which winter lasts well into March or April, the crocuses in your area probably bloom earlier than May. Since crocuses are some of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, they won’t last into May unless you force them to bloom at that time. Their bloom can be controlled with the proper chilling period.

Things You'll Need

  • 6-inch pot
  • Soilless potting mix
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    • 1

      Fill a 6-inch pot about 2 inches from the top with soilless potting mix.

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      Place 15 crocus corms into the pot with their pointed ends facing upward. Cover the crocuses with 1 inch of soil. Wet the soilless mixture so it’s moist but not soaking.

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      Place the pot into a refrigerator in January or February.

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      Remove the crocuses from the refrigerator in early April. Place the pot near a brightly lit window with a temperature of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the pot out of direct sunlight.

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      Keep the planting medium moist while the crocuses are growing. After three to four weeks the crocuses should bloom.