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How to Make a Paperwhite Narcissus Bloom Again

Paperwhite narcissus (Narcissus tazetta) is known for the sweet fragrance and delicate appearance of its small white flowers. These bulbs are easy to grow and are popular for forcing indoors. They are often grown in dishes among decorative stones for sweet-smelling blooms in the winter. Encouraging a second bloom from these bulbs requires simple steps but may not occur for a few years. These pleasant blossoms are often forced to bloom at the end of December.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Pot
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer for house plants
  • Shallow container
  • Gravel
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      Cut flowers and stems from the plant after the first bloom, using scissors. Paperwhite narcissus flowers are often forced to bloom indoors during the winter, so it is important to allow them to reestablish indoors if weather is still cold. Otherwise, you can plant them in soil outdoors.

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      Place bulbs in a pot with potting soil and keep them in a sunny window, if your area is prone to frost. Provide a diluted houseplant fertilizer to reinvigorate the flower and prepare it to blossom again.

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      Plant it outdoors in a location with morning sun and afternoon shade once weather permits. Provide a full-strength fertilizer at this time. New leaves will grow and lost nutrients will be replenished to the bulb.

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      Care for the bulb as it is growing in the ground, providing moderate water, and look for blooms in two or three years. Re-blooming may not always occur. Alternatively, you can dig up the bulb and attempt to force new blooms after at least a year in soil.

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      Force the bulbs indoors for a pleasant tabletop bloom. Place the bulb upright in a shallow container with gravel or decorative stones and water. Store it in a dark location for two weeks, then place it in a brightly-lit room.