Home Garden

How to Grow Mini Jeanne D'Arc Crocus Bulbs Indoors

Mini Jeanne d'Arc crocuses, also known as Joan of Arc crocuses, are reliable bloomers in the home garden, reaching only about 4 to 6 inches tall. They also are suitable bulbs for forcing indoors. Since crocuses require a three- to four-month cold treatment, obtain mini Jeanne D'Arc crocus bulbs in the early- to mid-fall to enjoy their bright, white blooms indoors during the winter.

Things You'll Need

  • Container or forcing vase
  • Decorative rocks
  • Plastic bag
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    • 1

      Fill a 3- to 4-inch deep container with decorative rocks, leaving about 1/2 to 1 inch of space between the rocks and the rim. Alternatively, if you have small forcing vase that came with the bulb, you can use it. Regular forcing vases, such as ones used for hyacinths, are too large for Jeanne d'Arc crocuses.

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      Pour water in the container until it barely moistens the bottom of the top layer of rocks. If you are using a forcing vase, pour water until it reaches just below the narrow section of the neck.

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      Place the bulbs on top of the rocks with the tips facing up. The bulbs should be right next to each other, but not touching. For the vase, insert a bulb into the narrow section of the neck. The bottom of the bulb should be just above the water. Remove the bulb and add or remove water if necessary.

    • 4

      Cover the container or vase loosely with a clear, plastic bag. Poke three or four holes in it. Then, set the container or vase in the refrigerator for three to four months, checking two or three times a week to replenish the water as necessary.

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      Remove the container or vase from the refrigerator when the bulbs grow shoots that are 1 to 1 1/2 inches tall. Take off the plastic cover. During their refrigerator dormancy, the bulbs will also send roots into the rocks or bottom of the vase.

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      Set the container or vase in an area of the home that is approximately 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave them there for one week so the crocuses become accustomed to warmer temperatures.

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      Move the crocuses to a bright area of your home, such as near a sunny window. They should not sit in direct sunlight, though. Continue to replenish the water as necessary.

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      Turn the container or vase 90 degrees every three or four days so they grow upright rather than slanted toward the window.

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      Discard the bulbs after the flowers are finished blooming or plant them in the garden. You cannot force bulbs a second time.