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Which Side of the Bulb Goes Up on Star Flowers?

Starflowers (Trientalis borealis) are spring bulbs that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. While one starflower on its own can fade into the garden, clusters can make a statement in the spring garden. They can be planted close together, but need to be planted properly for the best results.
  1. Bulbs

    • Starflower bulbs are round with a section that is wider and a bit flat while the opposite side tapers to a point. Starflower bulbs are smaller than many other kinds of bulbs so they are more vulnerable to drying out. Plant them as soon as they arrive for best results. If it is not possible to plant them permanently, cover them with damp sand or soil until they can be planted properly.


    • The flat part of the wide end of the bulb is where the roots will emerge. Sometimes there are short, stringy structures at this end. These are the remnants from last year’s root growth. The starflower bulb needs to be planted with the root side down. This allows the roots to sink into the soil to find water and nutrients.


    • Stems and leaves will emerge from the pointy end of the bulb. The bulb must be planted with this end pointing up, toward the sky, so that the stem and leaves will grow upward through the soil. The stems and leaves of starflowers will grow in only one direction rather than curl around to find the soil surface. If planted downward the plant will not be able to reach the sunlight and will die. Starflower bulbs shipped during the hot summer months will not have foliage, but those shipped during the cool spring or fall months may have leaves attached. Leave this foliage intact, as it will help the bulb establish itself quickly.


    • Planting depth is also important to starflower bulbs. They need to be covered by soil but close enough to the surface to break through easily. A simple rule to remember is that the bulbs need to be two to three times their height into the soil. Starflower bulbs are small, so 3 inches is usually the deepest they can be planted. Place the bottom of the bulb at that level, then cover the bulb with soil. If the bulb has foliage already, place the base of the leaves at the level of the soil. Water bulbs immediately after planting so they can begin developing roots as soon as they are in the soil.