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Are the UV Lights for Water Filters Good for Your Pond?

Ponds need a proper balance when it comes to algae control and bacteria life. UV, or ultraviolet, lights coupled with a quality pond filter can help keep a pond healthy and clean.
  1. Function

    • Ultraviolet light significantly decreases the amount of bacteria in a pond and helps control dangerous microscopic organisms that can damage resident fish. In addition, UV light can enhance water clarity by killing suspended algae that can cause green blooms on the water surface.


    • Ultraviolet light does not take the place of a biological water filter. A filter must be used to strain out decomposing organics and the fish ammonia. Put together, the UV lights and filter create a healthy pond environment for the fish.


    • Keep in mind that beneficial bacteria will still be part of the pond's ecosystem. The UV light destroys bacteria, but it cannotkill all bacteria in a pond. Enough beneficial bacteria will remain to support a healthy ecosystem in the pond.