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Overseeding Rye Grass

Overseeding means planting seed over an already established lawn. Both annual and perennial rye grass is used to overseed lawns in cool weather to keep a dormant lawn green during the winter and prevent weed competition in the spring. Rye grass is most often used because it grows quickly and adapts to a wide range of soils as long as sufficient moisture is present and temperatures remain below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Overseeding rye grass to establish a green lawn during the winter is most often done in United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 5 through 9.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Rake
  • Rye grass seed
  • Bucket
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      Prepare the lawn for overseeding at least 40 days before your first killing frost by mowing the lawn closely. Mow Bermuda grass as closely as 1/2 inch and other turf grasses to 1 inch high. This will allow sunlight to reach the newly planted seed and allow the seed to have contact with the soil.

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      Rake the lawn to remove any thatch. Thatch is the dead grass layer that has accumulated over the soil from previous mowing. Pile up the raked thatch and remove it from the lawn.

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      Pour the rye seed in a bucket and broadcast the rye grass seed by hand over the prepared lawn at the rate of 10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. For complete coverage, walk across the lawn in one direction and throw the seed, then walk back across the lawn perpendicular to where it was previously spread.

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      Water the rye grass seed and keep the seed moist from germination until it provides complete coverage. Germination takes about one week. Add seed to any bare patches you may have missed in the initial planting. Once the rye grass is actively growing, the normal winter rain pattern should provide sufficient moisture. However, be prepared to add additional water if the weather is unusually dry or warm.

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      Mow the rye grass to a height of 2 inches as often as needed. Keeping the lawnmower blades sharp prevents tearing of the rye grass leaves and provides a clean healthy look to the winter lawn.