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How to Turn on Sprinkler Systems

Turning on a yard sprinkler system in the spring can be tricky. If your yard is in a colder climate, the underwater cables sit in frozen ground for most of the winter. Sometimes animals burrow into the system and various repairs may be needed, but the most important thing to watch for is a water hammer, which is a gush of air pressure and water that can cause pipe breaks and even geysers of water to burst through your yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
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      Dig into the ground with a shovel near the sprinkler system to check if the ground is fully thawed. Typically the top part of the soil unfreezes before deeper areas, and if the area around your pipe is still frozen, then turning on the system could damage it. If the ground is still frozen, do not start the sprinkler system until it is.

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      Check if the sprinkler system has drain valves. If it has a drain valve, open it to release air from within the pipes to avoid water hammer. If the system does not have a drain valve, remove the sprinkler head at the system's highest points to let the air out.

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      Open the sprinkler system's main valve slowly. Do not send the water at full force yet.

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      Check the sprinkler system for any leaks or damage. If one or more sprinklers are emitting less water than others in the system, it is possible that the pipes or sprinkler heads are damaged or clogged with debris.

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      Turn the main valve off. Repair any damaged pipes or sprinkler heads. Turn the main valve on again to check if the system is functioning.