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The Best Time to Cut Cedar Trees in Texas

Cedar trees, a genus of coniferous trees in the pine family, do not need to be trimmed as often as their deciduous brethren. In fact, most pruning done to cedars is done for corrective reasons.
  1. Time Frame

    • Cedars are quite hardy and can be pruned at most any time of the year. That being said, it is a good idea to cut before the candle (new growth) develops in the spring. The dormant season (late fall and winter) is the best time to prune cedars in Texas.


    • There is a basic rule to pruning a cedar --- any tree actually: prune to match the natural shape of the tree. This will be less work and the tree will look better in the long run. Remove branches that are touching the ground, as this will keep them from rooting in the soil.


    • Because they do not seem to have logical or easy-to-see pruning points, cedars do not lend themselves to very precise pruning. So, if the trees are near maturity, it can be easier to cut whole branches back to the trunk. Make sure you can do without the whole branch, as it may leave a gaping hole that will take some time to fill back in.