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Bugs & Insects in Lawns

Bugs and insects are present in lawn grass. Many insects are not harmful to grass and some feed on grass, damaging it. Healthy lawns are less susceptible to insect infestations and damage.
  1. Types

    • Certain types of insects are beneficial to lawn grass. According to the University of Florida, IFAS Extension, earwigs and spiders feed on damaging lawn pests such as webworms and chinch bugs. Other types of insects that damage grass include leafhoppers, grasshoppers, crickets and wireworms.


    • Examine your lawn frequently for any signs of insect damage. The University of Florida, IFAS Extension recommends examining your lawn every 14 days in the winter and every seven to 10 days in the spring, summer and fall. Symptoms of insect infestations include chewed grass, thin grass, circular spots of dead grass and discolored patches of grass.


    • Controlling bugs and insects in your lawn is best accomplished by monitoring grass for damage, determining the types of insect causing the damage and chemical control. If a few insects are causing damage to your grass, the United States Department of Agriculture recommends picking the insects off grass by hand. Pesticides are often effective, but are often a last resort because these products damage beneficial insects, as well.