Home Garden

Fungus on the Lawn in Colorado

Colorado homeowners often battle fungal diseases on their lawns. Some diseases such as necrotic ring spot, are especially damaging to grass. Identifying fungal disease on your lawn is key in restoring the health of your grass.
  1. Types

    • Necrotic ring spot is a damaging disease found in Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass and red fescue. According to Colorado State University, this fungal disease attacks and destroys crowns and roots. Dollar spot attacks perennial ryegrass, annual bluegrass, bermudagrass and fine-leaf fescues. This disease is active for a large part of the year because the fungus thrives in many weather conditions. Ascochyta leaf blight develops rapidly and affects tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass.


    • Fungal disease symptoms include spots of dead grass, lesions on grass blades, frogseye spots in grass and blighted areas of grass. Fungal diseases cause die back on grass blades, which extend halfway down the blade. Fruiting bodies are often present on grass with certain types of fungus, such as Ascochyta fungus.


    • Stress increases the chance of fungal diseases in grass, so provide grass plenty of water. Fungicides often control fungal diseases. Contact your local extension office for advice on the best chemical controls for your lawn.