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How to Use a Chipper to Make Mulch Smaller

A thick layer of mulch around trees, shrubs and your house foundation serves multiple purposes. It suppresses weed growth, retains moisture in the soil and creates an attractive visual impact. Bark mulch comes in three sizes. Chips are the smallest, nuggets the next largest and chunks are the biggest. A 2-inch layer of chips topped with 2 inches of nuggets or chunks creates an effective weed barrier while allowing rain and sprinkler water to permeate to the ground. If you find yourself with an abundance of chunk-size mulch, use chipper equipment to cut the large material down to size.

Things You'll Need

  • Tarp
  • Cinder blocks
  • Long-handle garden fork
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Set the chipper on a level area of ground. Lock the wheel brakes. Spread a large tarp on the ground under the discharge unit of the chipper to catch the cut-up chips of mulch. Set cinder blocks or large rocks on each corner of the tarp to hold it in place.

    • 2

      Lift the mulch chunks into a wheelbarrow, using a long-handled garden fork. This allows any stray, heavier rocks and debris to fall to the ground. Avoid using mulch chunks that have already been spread on the ground. Instead, chip chunks that are still in a delivery pile.

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      Place the full wheelbarrow next to the chipper at an angle that allows you to scoop the mulch chunks up with a shovel and toss them into the chipper's feed chute.

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      Turn the chipper equipment on. Toss one shovelful of mulch chunks at a time into the feed chute. Allow the cut-up bark mulch to come out the discharge chute onto the tarp before putting another shovelful into the feed chute.

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      Turn the chipper off when the wheelbarrow is empty. Repeat filling the wheelbarrow, turning the chipper on, inputting chunks, then turning the chipper off again until all the large chunks are all processed. Whenever the pile of chipped chunks becomes large enough to impede the output chute, scoop the chips into the wheelbarrow and remove to a new pile or spread immediately in the garden.