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Root Maggots

Root maggots are a common pest of vegetables such as onions and cabbage. Laying its eggs at the base of plant roots, this insect damages plants by feeding on the root system.
  1. Identification

    • The Missouri Botanical Garden states that root maggots are the larvae of flies, most of which look like common houseflies. Root maggots are white grubs that measure no more than 1/3 inch long. A root maggot has a fat body with a pointy head.


    • Infestation of root maggots produces symptoms in plants such as yellowing, plant wilting and sudden death. The roots of affected plants have tunnels and scars from maggot feeding.


    • Preventing infestation of root maggots is the key to healthy vegetable crops. Apply insecticides to the soil around plants and rotate onions with other crop vegetables. Sprinkling rock phosphate, oak mulch or wood ashes around vegetable plants is another way to prevent infestation.