Home Garden

Yellow Foam Fungus in My Mulch

Homeowners are often concerned to find a yellow, foamy fungus growing in the mulch around their landscaping plants. Slime mold often occurs after periods of wet weather. It is not harmful to plants or flowers.
  1. Identification

    • According to Colorado State University, slime mold is a rapidly growing fungus usually found on wood mulch and grass. Slime mold is unsightly, but not harmful to plants, grass and flowers.


    • Slime mold's primary symptom is a fungal growth on grass, wood or fresh wood mulch that is yellow, purple, gray, orange or brown in color. This mold is foamy and closely resembles vomit.


    • Since slime mold is not harmful, controls are not always necessary. Homeowners who wish to remove the mold for cosmetic purposes can rake the area thoroughly. Reducing the frequency in which the grass and flowers are watered is another way to discourage the growth of slime mold. Applying fungicides to affected areas is not recommended in the treatment of slime mold.