Home Garden

Lawn Problems in Texas

Lawns along the Texas Gulf Coast typically have St. Augustine grass, zoysiagrass or tall fescue. Texas homeowners can have problems keeping their grass healthy, because these grasses are susceptible to insect infestations and fungal diseases.
  1. Types

    • Texas lawns are susceptible to scale insects, which feed on grass roots. Scales are referred to as ground pearls because they have a waxy outer-shell resembling a pearl. White grubs are a common lawn pest and damage grass during feeding. Turf diseases such as rust and brownpatch often develop in Texas lawns. These diseases are caused by fungi and are a major cause of grass damage and unsightly appearance.


    • Insect infestations often produce symptoms such as chewed grass blades, damaged roots and large patches of damaged grass. Diseases, such as brownpatch and rust, cause large areas of dead grass and fungal growths on grass.


    • Controlling insect infestations in Texas grass includes proper mowing, watering and fertilizing. Applications of insecticides also reduce insects in lawns. Fungal diseases are often serious in Texas grass. Applying fungicides reduces the symptoms associated with fungal disease.