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Is Zoysiagrass Good?

If you are establishing a new lawn, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the wide range of turf grasses available. Zoysiagrass may or may not be a good choice for your lawn, depending on where you live and your specific needs.
  1. Advantages & Disadvantages

    • Zoysiagrass is extremely heat-tolerant but will become straw-colored at the first sign of frost. It is slow to establish but forms a thick, soft turf and will survive in a wide range of soils. Once established, it can be very difficult to get rid of. It withstands wear and tear during summer but can be damaged by excessive winter traffic. Zoysiagrass requires less water than other grasses but also requires frequent mowing.


    • Zoysiagrass is generally a better choice in hot southern areas. If you live in an area with cold winters, you would be advised to choose a cool-season grass like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue. Even in cooler parts of the south, zoysia may turn brown in winter.


    • Though zoysia becomes unattractive in winter, it will generally survive and become green again in spring, so it is a viable option for lawns around summer homes or other areas where summer turf only is important. It is widely used for parks, athletic fields and golf courses.