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How to Install the Bagger on a Poulan Lawn Mower

Most Poulan lawn mowers give you the option to either mulch your grass clippings or bag them. If you want to bag them, you will first need to assemble the grass catcher and then attach it to the back of the Poulan lawn mower. There are two distinct types of grass catchers that Poulan lawn mowers use, one with a hard plastic top and one with a soft cloth top.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
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  1. Fabric-Top Grass Catcher

    • 1

      Open the mouth of the bag and insert that catcher frame into the bag. Ensure that the handle on the to of the frame is positioned above the soft top of the catcher and not the rigid bottom.

    • 2

      Press the four vinyl bindings over the four edges of the frame to lock the bag in place.

    • 3

      Lift the rear door on the Poulan lawn mower. Look on the right side of the back plate to find either an opening or a plate covering an opening. Pull the plate up to remove it, if you find one.

    • 4

      Slide the grass catcher up to the back of the lawn mower. The method to connect the bagger to the mower will depend on the type of rear door on the mower. If your door has one long piano hinge, attach the top frame of the catcher onto the tabs at the bottom of the hinge. If your door uses side handle brackets, place the side hooks on the catcher frame into the slots on the side of the hinges. If your door has exposed pivot pins when you open the door, place the hooks on the catcher over the pins. If your door has two slots at the bottom, insert the hooks on the catcher into those slots.

    • 5

      Release the bagger and ensure that it stays connected to the lawn mower.

    Hard-Top Grass Catcher

    • 6

      Place the fabric catcher bag and the tubular upper frame, which looks like a large metal "U," on the ground in front of you. Pick up the right end of the hem that runs across the top of the frame and the left end of the tubular frame. Thread the tubular frame into the hem until it reaches the other side, forming a strong upper frame for the bag.

    • 7

      Place the lower tubular frame, which looks like a much smaller "U," into the exposed ends of the upper tubular frame. Then press the three vinyl bindings over the front of the bag, securing the frame and the bag together.

    • 8

      Place your catcher's hard top upside down on the ground. Place the bag and frame, also upside down, into the grooves on the outside of the hard top. Insert two of the sharp screws that came with the catcher into the holes on the back of the hard top and tighten them.

    • 9

      Pull the bag forward a little, to remove any slack, then install the two remaining sharp screws into the holes in the side of the catcher. Drive the two blunt screws into the holes near the front of the hard top.

    • 10

      Open the rear door on your Poulan lawn mower and remove any plate or stopper covering the hole in the mower's back plate. Place the hooks on the side of the hard top grass catcher into the notches just above the wheels. Release the catcher to ensure that it stays connected to the mower.