Home Garden

Remedies for Moles and Gophers

Moles and gophers are similar only in that they are both considered by some to be pests and create trouble for the landscape gardener by digging holes and tunnels. Moles are carnivorous creatures of the family Talpidae, feeding on invertebrate prey. Gophers are rodents who feed on shrubs and vegetation. There are a variety of remedies for getting rid of gophers, ranging from home remedies that are based on folk lore, which aren't very effective, to traps that kill the small creatures.
  1. Toxic Baits

    • In some states, using toxic baits on moles or gophers is illegal, but despite these legal issues, they are still sold in stores. It's unlikely that moles actually eat such baits, no matter how desirable they may be. Moles lack the teeth for grinding poison seeds or nuts. Using poison can result in a slow and painful death, and for animal lovers it is not a viable option for getting rid of moles or gophers.


    • Trapping gophers involves finding the main tunnel and opening it with a spade. Traps can be tied to a stake with a string. If the traps are still empty after three days, reset them in another place. When setting the traps do not contaminate them with human scent, so wear gloves. Mole trapping involves setting a trap together with an obstruction in the main and active tunnel. Main tunnels are frequently found along driveways, sidewalks and borders of flower beds. Use a broom handle to probe for tunnel locations. If you do not want to kill the gophers or moles, use Have-a-Heart traps or similar types of traps that do not kill the animal. This type of trap uses non-toxic bait to lure the animal in. The trap closes and you can release the gopher in the wild.


    • Flooding is another remedy suggested for gophers and moles. First you will need to find two holes and place a hose in one end. Mole hills are shaped like a football or volcano while gopher mounds are often fan or kidney shaped. The gopher or mole will supposedly attempt to get out of the exit hole. The plan is to catch the gopher once it has emerged, but this is no easy task and you need to be ready with a cage. Wear gloves to protect yourself from bites because any wild animal that is cornered may resort to using its teeth for self-defense.

    Sonic Repellers and Chewing Gum

    • Sonic repellers work on the theory that moles and gophers have sensitive hearing and these devices are aimed at scaring them away by producing startling sounds. Sonic repellers are often powered by batteries and might not be as effective as some claim. The devices tend to work when they are first used but then the gophers and moles become accustomed to the sound. Another cheaper home remedy for moles and gophers is good old-fashioned chewing gum. Rest assured, it does not work. The concept is that the gopher or moles intestines will become clogged with gum once they've chewed and swallowed it. The only problem is that these creatures have no interest in gum, whether fruit-flavored or not.