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Easy Ways to Get Rid of Pine Straw

Pine straw, otherwise known as pine needles, can be a nuisance in a beautiful yard. What you may not know is that pine straw rids your garden of unwanted pests and weeds and saves time and money. There are several ways to reuse pine straw on your property. Although the simplest way to get rid of pine straw is to bag it up with the leaves and dispose of it according to local codes, instead use pine straw several ways around your property.
  1. Weed Prevention

    • Gather up the unwanted pine straw and use it as mulch in garden beds to prevent the growth of weeds between the flowers and vegetation. Sit the pine straw on an unused portion of the property until it turns brown. Loosely place the pine straw over the the weeds to smother them and prevent them from growing. The pine straw mulch will also fertilize the area, which will produce better plants.

    Leaf Removal

    • Bag your pine straw needles while raking the leaves. Complete this process during the yearly leaf removal. It requires no additional work other than what was already expected and is allowed by most city ordinances. Check with the appropriate department in your community before disposing of pine needles.

    Basket Weaving

    • Use the pine needles while they are still wet to create a variety of baskets. Making pine needle baskets is an enjoyable craft that teaches children self- discipline and accomplishment. Baskets turn something was not needed into something that can be used or sold in craft fairs and flea markets.

    Sell Compost

    • A large quantity of pine trees can produce a little extra income. Turn the unwanted pine straw into a pile of compost that can be sold by the bale, pound or truckload. Spread the word that it makes a great mulch bed and soon buyers will be showing up to purchase your unwanted waste.