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How to Prevent Mushrooms on a Football Field

Although they won't interrupt play on a football field, some mushrooms can be poisonous and should be kept away from children. It may become necessary to remove any mushrooms that appear in the middle of a football field or other similar playing surfaces. The best way to get rid of mushrooms is to stop them before they start. Once mushrooms appear, there are already fungi present in the area, most of which are living slightly below ground level. Fortunately, many of the techniques used to avoid mushrooms also work to eliminate them when they have appeared.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawnmower with grass catcher
  • Aerator
  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizer
  • Sod
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      Pull mushrooms and dispose of them when they are present. The mushroom caps visible in lawns and fields are the reproductive part of the fungus, so plucking them before they spread their seeds can help prevent more mushrooms. Seeds can blow in from other areas, so plucking alone will not prevent all future mushroom growth.

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      Bag the grass when mowing. Mushroom producing fungi thrive on decomposing wood, mulch and thatch. Bagging the field's grass will reduce the amount of food available to mushrooms.

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      Aerate the field to improve air circulation in the soil and allow for better water drainage.

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      Water the field only when absolutely necessary, as poor drainage and too much watering can create a hospitable environment for mushroom growth.

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      Fertilize the field with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Nitrogen helps to speed the decomposition process, quickly eliminating dead grass, pet waste and other decaying material that mushroom fungi need to survive.

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      Consider removing the infected sod and replacing it. If you choose this option, remove all the sod that's within 18 inches from visible mushrooms. Take away the top foot of grass and soil. This method of removal is effective but often used as a last resort as it is labor intensive.