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What Are the Solutions for Disposal of Waste in Landfills?

Landfills are primarily used to manage municipal solid waste. Most of the garbage produced by institutions, businesses and residents use local waste facilities to get rid of their garbage, says the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Other options are available for waste disposal; they include recycling, incineration and reusing and reducing waste materials. These practices are endorsed by the EPA and they help to create new products, reduce the amount of waste contained within the environment and provide economic revenue for communities and businesses.
  1. Recycling

    • Recycling converts waste into new products and thereby reduces the amount of space needed for landfills; other benefits include saving energy and reducing pollution. The recycling process begins when consumers set materials out for curbside collection or take them to drop-off or buy-back centers or deposit/refund programs. Materials are then sent to a recovery center where they are sorted and converted into raw materials where they are purchased by various manufacturers that create and sell newly created products.

    Combustion and Incineration

    • Combustion plays a role with reducing municipal waste in landfills and is carried out with the use of incinerators, boilers and industrial furnaces. Incinerators completely destroy or treat waste materials. Boilers and industrial furnaces are often used to burn hazardous waste for energy and material recovery. Both processes play a role with reducing the amount of materials that are contained within landfills.

    Reducing and Reusing Waste

    • The EPA endorses source reduction and waste prevention, which is their strategy behind reducing and reusing waste. The most effective way to reduce waste is not to produce it in the first place, says the EPA. Landfill garbage is also reduced when individuals delay material entry into the waste collection and disposal system by reusing it instead. These two waste management tactics help to keep waste materials from overflowing landfill facilities.


    • Composting is another alternative to disposing of waste within landfills. This process takes organic waste materials such as leaves, grass clippings, wood chips, manure and leftover food scraps and allows it to decay naturally. This process helps to repair damaged soil and to keep it free from disease and toxins. Organic waste that is used for composting benefits home gardens and will not end up in landfills.