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How to Deal With Caterpillars

Caterpillars can become a severe problem in a garden since they often feed on leaves and other plant matter and can therefore kill plants over time. Even if the plant survives, it will be less attractive because of damaged leaves and holes visible from caterpillar feeding. If you notice caterpillars starting to propagate in your garden, immediate action should be taken before they mature, reproduce and create more caterpillars. Dealing with caterpillars requires patience and diligence.

Things You'll Need

  • Bacillus thuringiensis-based pesticide
  • Stick or rake
  • Bird feeder
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      Spray your garden with the bacteria bacillus thuringiensis, which is lethal to many types of caterpillars but harmless to plants and other organisms. It is available as a commercial spray and it should be applied liberally to plants being attacked by caterpillars. Spray the underside of the leaves as well for best results.

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      Look for signs of caterpillar tents on trees, which are fibrous colonies that caterpillars use. Strike the colonies with a stick or rake to destroy them and knock them off the tree.

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      Place a bird feeder in your yard to attract birds. Birds will feed on caterpillars and reduce their numbers.