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How to Kill Mosquitoes in a Dense and Damp Environment

Mosquitoes are a pest that can be as much of a health hazard as they are a nuisance due to their capabilities of spreading diseases. The pesky insects typically prefer a moist and dark environment, making dense vegetation prime territory for the mosquitoes. There are several methods for eliminating the bugs from dense and damp areas. Depending on your specific circumstances, you can opt to use one method, a combination of methods or even all of them.

Things You'll Need

  • Residual barrier mosquito spray
  • Aerosol barrier spray
  • Fogger mosquito spray
  • Shears
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      Check for moist and dense areas that could become prime ground for mosquitoes, such as near air-conditioning units, under trees and up against walls and structures. Look for areas where water can easily collect and has limited access to fresh air.

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      Pour the residual barrier spray concentrate into a hand sprayer to apply.

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      Cover the area with the mosquito spray. Apply the spray from the level of your ankles to your shoulders on the area, as recommended by CassCountyND.com.

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      Spray the area with an aerosol can spray on a hot and dry day for best results. Coat the same area with the aerosol spray that was covered with the residual barrier spray.

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      Check the instructions on your particular can for exact amounts and specific instructions on how to use the product.

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      Utilize a fogger-style mosquito spray during a time when mosquitoes are active, such as at dusk. Ideally, the spray makes contact with the insects as they are in flight. Follow the specific instructions on your particular brand of fogger spray.

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      Cut or trim the vegetation where possible to limit the breeding ground of the mosquitoes as well as increase the area's exposure to air and sunlight.