Home Garden

How to De-Ice a Mailbox

While trudging through the snow to get to your mailbox in the morning, you notice icicles dangling from its sides. Windshields aren't the only things that freeze over during the frigid winter months -- your mailbox can become an oversized ice cube if the conditions are right. The procedure for de-icing a mailbox is similar to defrosting your vehicle's windshield. With a few household items, you can melt the icy casing and access your mail.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Plastic ice scraper
  • Pitcher
  • Old towel
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      Don your gloves to protect your skin from the cold, especially if temperatures are approaching or are below freezing. Try opening the front of the mailbox to remove any mail that may be inside.

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      Hold your plastic ice scraper at a 45-degree angle to the icy surface and begin pushing it forward with force. Continue until most of the ice has been shaved off.

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      Pour a pitcher of warm water over the mailbox. This method works best if the mail inside the box has already been removed. Dry the outside of the mailbox using an old towel

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      Wipe the inside of the mailbox dry to protect your mail from moisture damage.