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How to Kill Golden Carpet Sedum

Sedum acre is known by many names, but the most common are Golden Carpet and Gold Moss. With plump, lush foliage of a succulent, Golden Carpet sedum has a high tolerance for poor growing conditions, including rocky, sandy soil and drought. Often grown in rock gardens or as ground cover, Golden Carpet sedum spreads rapidly and can become invasive. Golden Carpet sedum is hardy in almost every zone and considered an evergreen, though it will die back over the winter in colder climates, to reappear in the spring.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden gloves
  • Hoe
  • Herbicide
  • Surfactant
  • Pump sprayer
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      Put on garden gloves and hand pull as much Golden Carpet sedum out of the ground as you can. Golden Carpet sedum has shallow roots and can easily be hand pulled from dry soil.

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      Use a garden hoe to remove the Golden Carpet sedum and remaining roots. A garden hoe will also easily lift the sedum plants from the ground. Using a hoe to turn up the roots of the sedum will expose them to sun, and heat will kill any remaining roots.

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      Mix a herbicide that contains 2,4-D, triclopyr, MCPP, dicamba or MCPA according to the directions. Add a surfactant to the mixture to improve the adhesion of the herbicide to the sedum. Use a pump sprayer to apply the herbicide mixture. These chemicals can kill Golden Carpet sedum that has crept into your lawn without killing the grass. It may take more than one application.

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      Apply a herbicide containing glyphosate to kill a broad area of Golden Carpet sedum. Glyphosate is a herbicide chemical that is nonselective and kills any plant it comes in contact with. It is very effective in killing sedum.