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Concentration of Fiberglass in the Soil

Fiberglass is commonly used in insulation products. But a small concentration of fiberglass such as styrene is found in the soil, water, air and in food products. Exposure to fiberglass in the soil can cause adverse health effects in both children and adults.
  1. Identification

    • Styrene is a type of fiberglass that is often used to make foam board insulation. This material is a colorless liquid that easily evaporates. Styrene is also used to make packaging material, plastic pipes, drinking cups and some food-use items. Styrene is often released into the atmosphere during the manufacturing of these products. According to the Center for Disease Control, styrene is moderately mobile in the soil but degrades rapidly.

    Concentration Levels

    • The fiberglass material styrene is most damaging when those who work with it are exposed to it. According to the Center for Disease Control, concentrations of styrene are rarely detected in soil, water or outdoor air samples. Concentration levels of styrene of 0.07 to 11.5 are typically found in indoor air samples.

    Method of Absorption

    • Even if concentration levels of styrene is high in the soil, it is poorly absorbed through the skin when contact is made. Styrene is mostly absorbed through the mouth and by inhaling the substance. When styrene is absorbed into the body, it is rapidly excreted through urine.


    • Although rare, absorption of high levels of the fiberglass product styrene can result in adverse health effects. Symptoms are similar in both adults and children and include hearing impairment, fatigue, feeling impaired, reaction time delay and alterations in heart function. Styrene has been found to be mildly carcinogenic to humans.