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Unique Pool Designs for Kids

When the summer comes and the days get warmer, it is always a fun activity for kids to play in a pool. From babies to older children, they all enjoy cooling down in the water. Parents who are planning on purchasing or making a pool specifically for their children might decide on a unique design to be more creative.
  1. In-Ground Pools

    • In-ground pools can be either outside or inside, and can be decorated with a specific theme, such as an island or beach. These pools can be more expensive as they are custom-made, but include unique designs that children will enjoy, such as waterfalls and large rocks. In-ground pools can also have different shapes, be deep enough to have a diving board or a large slide.

    In-Ground Wading Pools

    • In-ground wading pools are a functional solution for babies and young children, as they are only a few inches deep. In-ground wading pools can be designed in different shapes and sizes. Glass mosaic tiles can be used to design patterns and images on the bottom of the pool. In-ground wading pools can also include showers to create a spray pool, which both young and older children will enjoy.

    Inflatable Pools

    • Inflatable pools come in many different designs. Some inflatable pools include slides and showers for children to play with. Inflatable pools are usually best for young children, as they are not too large or deep. Inflatable pools also come in many different colors and shapes. Other inflatable pools include a theme, such as pirates, and others have animal shapes. To protect children from the sun, some inflatable pools include canopies.

    Plastic Pools

    • Plastic pools are usually blue, circle-shaped pools, but some unique design can be found. Accessories can be used to make these pools unique, such as adding a colorful slide or basketball hoop. You can also make these pools different by painting them a different color or creating a design with water-proof paint.