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DIY Pool Ladder

Swimming pools usually require ladders to help those not strong enough to pull themselves out of the water to get out of the pool. Ladders need to sit flush to the side of the pool, without floating, to prevent injury when jumping into the pool and swimming. There are several different pool ladder shapes and sizes, but most are installed in the same manner. If your pool ladder comes with instructions, look over them carefully to prevent improper installation.

Things You'll Need

  • Pool ladder kit
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
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    • 1

      Snap the stringers (the long sides of the ladder) into the bottom step.

    • 2

      Slide the treads into the sliders at the bolt hole locations. Tighten four bolts, two on each side of the stringers, into the steps.

    • 3

      Connect the two handles by inserting the handle platform into the holes at the bottom of the handles. Secure the platform with a screw.

    • 4

      Rub liquid soap around the adjustable tubes at the bottom of the handles and insert the tube into the mounting bracket.

    • 5

      Fill the stringers for the steps with water. Attach the stringers to the handles and insert the screws to tighten the unit down.

    • 6

      Submerge the ladder in water, keeping the handles out of the pool. Tilt the ladder at a 15-degree angle to further fill it with water.

    • 7

      Mount the blocks on the side of the pool using the screws included with the kit and an electric drill.