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How to Clean Clogged DE Filters

If you own a pool, knowing how to keep your filters clear of debris will help keep the water clean and make for a more enjoyable swimming experience. DE (diatomaceous earth) pool filters use soft, sedimentary rock, crushed into a powder form to coat the filter, helping to collect any algae, dirt or debris particles as small as 3 microns that accumulate in your pool. When you notice your filter is running at a higher pressure than normal or if the water flow to your pool has been reduced, this could mean clogged filters. If you have followed the manufacturer's instructions to troubleshoot a clog by backwashing the filtering system and it doesn't help, you may need to manually clean the filter grids.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • DE powder
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    • 1

      Shut off and drain the water from your filter housing following the manufacturer's manual. Most filters have a drainage plug along the bottom of the housing. Allow the water to run out before opening the filter housing.

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      Open the filter housing and remove the filter grid assembly according to the manufacturer's manual. Certain models house filter grids in one removable frame, while in other models the filter grids are removed one at a time.

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      Rinse the entire filter grid assembly thoroughly with a garden hose. Be sure to use a nozzle on your hose that will spray the water in a single high-pressure stream.

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      Remove and rinse each side of each filter grid, taking care to wash away accumulated debris and DE powder residue.

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      Rinse the top and bottom of the filter grid assembly. Rinse out the filter housing, making sure the drainage plug is still open. Allow all the debris and water to run out.

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      Reassemble the filter grid and rinse it off one more time. Return the assembly to the housing according to the manufacturer's manual. Close the drainage plug.

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      Restart the filter and add the correct amount of DE powder required by the manufacturer's manual.